American Drug and Alcohol Diagnostics, LLC.

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They Call It ‘Tranq’ — And It’s Making Street Drugs Even More Dangerous

A street-outreach team from Tapestry Health Systems delivered what’s becoming a routine warning. Xylazine is an animal tranquilizer. It’s not approved for humans but is showing up in about half the drug samples that Tapestry Health tests in the rolling hills of western Massachusetts. It’s appearing mostly in the illegal fentanyl supply but also in […]

Accidental cannabis poisoning is on the rise among Canadian kids. What can be done?

With some Canadian provinces seeing an increase in accidental cannabis poisoning among children, experts are stressing the need to make edibles look less appealing to kids. A recent study published by the New England Journal of Medicine on Aug. 25 found that there has been a 6.3-fold increase in hospitalizations for unintentional cannabis poisoning among […]

7 Reasons Your Company Should Invest in Drug Testing

A drug testing program is an effective way to keep your employees healthy and safe. A company’s workforce should be able to trust their colleagues with safety, which sometimes requires a detailed plan of action… Read the entire article at Sure Hire Occupational Testing

Less is More: Why Cannabis Use Disorder is Becoming Increasingly Common, and what the Healthcare Community Must Know about Proper Dosing

Canabis in jars

An interesting study from Canada recently showed that recreational cannabis users couldn’t report how much THC and other cannabinoids were in the products that they use. This has prompted some worried discussion about the development of Cannabis Use Disorder (CUD) in the general population. Coupled with the general “more THC is better” attitude of some […]

Cannabis Edibles and Pediatric Toxicity Risk

Medical and/or recreational marijuana have been legalized in several states. With this increase in availability, there has been a rise in the number of pediatric exposures, especially for cannabis edibles. Pharmacists should be familiar with the availability of the different forms of cannabis, the issues surrounding the use of cannabis edibles, signs and symptoms of […]

US soccer star Hope Solo pleads guilty to DWI, gets 30-day sentence

Soccer ball and net

US soccer star Hope Solo pleaded guilty to driving while impaired Monday nearly four months after she was found passed out behind the wheel of a car with her two-year-old twins in the backseat at a North Carolina Walmart. Read the entire article at the New York Post

Report: 14% of physicians drinking, using controlled substances on the job

There are high levels of substance use and dangerous mental health stigma among healthcare workers, according to a report released by addiction treatment organization APN. Its CEO said the most effective way to decrease stigma about seeking mental health treatment is to look at healthcare as inclusive of mental health. Read the complete article at […]