American Drug and Alcohol Diagnostics administers drug and alcohol testing services coast to coast, and conducts onsite testing and other related services for our clients in central and most of eastern Pennsylvania and the southern tier of New York.
Our flexible scheduling ensures that the testing is conducted in a timely manner, and any testing “issues” – adulteration/substitution, refusals, non-negatives, etc – are handled professionally with immediate feedback to the employer. Employers can have the employees tested at the beginning or end of the shift, right at work. The testing only takes about 12-15 minutes per employee, and no commute to the clinic.
ADAD also offers administrative-only services to employees in all 50 states. ADAD provides the program and policy, supervisor training, etc, and test kits that can be used at a clinic. The client can continue to use the same clinic, with our administrative services and guidance to ensure DOT/PUC compliance.
For more information about areas in which we offer onsite testing, or how to obtain administrative services, please contact us.